The 36th Annual Golden Grad Luncheon will be held Saturday June 9, 2018, 11 am, at Sand Point Country Club, 8333 – 55th N.E., Seattle, WA.
Don’t forget to send in your registration form (click here) and encourage your classmates to attend this annual event! Reservations ($32 per person) are required and must be in our hands by Wednesday, May 30th, 2018. Doors open at 11:00 AM – Social Hour and sign in at the Registration Table, 11:00 to 12:00 – Lunch service starts at 12:15 PM. Each attending member has a place reserved with his or her class. The luncheon includes a short Business Meeting, Election of Officers and approval of the annual budget. RHS grads MUST BE current dues-paying GG Members to attend. Guests or spouses of members are welcome.
Note: The luncheon was changed to a Saturday as recommended by the Club to minimize parking problems, and no major events will be scheduled that compete for parking space. There will still be other traffic by Club members, especially if it’s a sunny day.
To avoid parking problems we are asking members who can comfortably walk from the residential area to the clubhouse to please park above the golf course on Lakemont Drive, leaving the lower lots for those who need easier access. GG volunteers will supplement Club employees who shuttle attendees from the residential area to the clubhouse. If you need a ride, look for a golf cart or car to take you to the clubhouse and back after the luncheon. Oh, and cauliflower steak will no longer be a menu item!