Reminder: It’s Time to Add YOU to the Grapevine!

The deadline for sending your story to the Fall 2022 Grapevine is Wednesday!

from Golden Grads Secretary  Cathie Hogue Huffman, ’63

Hi Golden Grads!

Hoping you can send some news about yourself to the Grapevine editor Janet Whalley by the deadline Wednesday August 31.  Just a few sentences will be fine!

The Grapevine is much more interesting when you are in it!!!!!  Send your email to  or your Class Representative.

Thanks so much!

President’s Report for Spring 2022

By GG President Doug Whalley (’63)

No GG Luncheon this Year

Despite our desire to have a Golden Grads Luncheon in June 2022, the Board concluded that most members would still be very reluctant to attend. We are the vulnerable generation and must be more cautious than our children or grandchildren. In addition, we did not want to follow up a gathering by having to alert all the attendees that a server or guest tested positive for Covid.

Roosevelt’s 100th Anniversary and The Wall of Honor

As noted in last Fall’s Grapevine, plans are underway to celebrate Roosevelt’s centennial, led by the Roosevelt Foundation. The Golden Grads are working with them on planning an event at the school for the Spring of 2023. A highlight will be the unveiling of a Roosevelt “Wall of Honor”, identifying 100 outstanding Roosevelt graduates, teachers, or staff who deserve special recognition.

We want your recommendations for candidates.

The criteria for being chosen will be based on their professional achievements, service to society, support and service to Roosevelt High School, and advancement of racial, gender, or religious equality. The best candidates will meet at least two of those categories. Outstanding Roosevelt athletes already have recognition on the Sports Hall of Fame, but those that also served society outside of their sport are eligible for the Wall of Honor.  Look for a nomination form on the Roosevelt Foundation or Golden Grads Facebook pages, or on their websites;  Form is also on the emailed versions of the Grapevine.)  Particularly important is identifying eligible candidates who we did not know graduated from Roosevelt, or well-known graduates whose humanitarian activities were not previously recognized. Two such people are listed below:

Mildred “Milly” Logg Woodward, Class of 1937

With her husband Walt, Milly Woodward published the small Bainbridge Review newspaper.
During World War II they were among the few editors who were outspoken in opposing the
mass incarceration of Japanese Americans and in supporting Japanese Americans from
Bainbridge Island who were forcibly removed to Manzanar and Minidoka. Throughout the
war, the Woodwards engaged Nisei from Bainbridge to write regular dispatches to the Review
from the concentration camps, despite local opposition, threats, and subscription
cancelations. A school on Bainbridge is named for the Woodwards. The newspaper editor in
David Guterson’s book Snow Falling on Cedars is based in part on Milly and Walt Woodward.

Anthony Ray, Class of 1981

Grammy winner Anthony L. Ray, better known as Sir Mix-a-Lot, is a rapper, songwriter, and
record producer, best known for his 1992 hit “Baby Got Back”. Although he lived in south
Seattle, he was bussed to Roosevelt as part of Seattle’s effort to integrate the school system.
For him, it was a good experience. “I didn’t have the luxury of living in a neighborhood where
a good school was. We didn’t make that kind of money. So, from my perspective, it was the
best thing that could have happened to me.” In 2020, he promoted and participated in a virtual
concert for coronavirus relief and racial justice that raised over $55 million. He also led other
local artists to raise a COVID-19 relief fund for small, independently owned music venues
across the state.

Find Out More

To see what else is happening this spring, go to one of the websites below:

For More on RHS Jazz Bands click here or visit the Jazz Boosters Calendar Page. For RHS Orchestra click here. For RHS Roughriders Band information click the Riders Band site. And for Roosevelt Drama events click here.

Spring Happenings at Roosevelt

Roosevelt High School Coming Back to Life!

by Cathie Hogue Huffman, ’63

Hello Golden Grads! 
Lots of things are happening at RHS…so Just-So-You-Know …

Theater News:

A strange thing happened when casting for Mama Mia (Sold out: sorry I wasn’t aware of the play earlier!)  Being short of male actors for this musical they auditioned members of the football team(!) and find the Drama students and Football athletes are melding well (anyone remember the Rhythm and Riot Review in the 60s?)  There’s a good article in the Seattle Times.  Here’s the link:

Roosevelt High School Theatre Department…/at-seattles-roosevelt…/

The Spring Musical will be Spongebob the Musical  May 12, 13, 14, 20 & 21 at 7 pm and May 21 & 22 at 2:30 pm.

Jazz Band:

The Jazz Band is one of the top 15 groups competing in the Essentially Ellington Competition and Festival this year…in New York again! The dates are May 5-7, 2022.  Previous RHS performances are available on uTube. They are truly amazing and when I find where the finals can be heard/seen I’ll let you know.  


 March 21, 7 p.m.: April Foolz Concert, Roosevelt Theater

 Concert, Chamber, & Symphony Orchestra, Roosevelt Theater

June 7, 6 p.m.: Final Concert, at the Roosevelt Theater Concert, Chamber, & Symphony Orchestras


1. I’s time to send in dues for 2022,  if you have not already. The “Grapevine” newsletter is only sent to those with current dues.

2.  Class news is due March 18th – send to:  (because this coming school year is Roosevelt’s 100th – you might want to write a memory from your time at Roosevelt.

3.   There will be no luncheon this coming June!  But activities are being planned for September ’22 through June of ’23 to celebrate the Centennial!

I hope this finds everyone returning to some type of normal!  It’s so good to see the students are able to participate and compete again!

It’s Easy to Join or Renew Membership

You can do it online!

As the students and staff are preparing for a great year ahead, we too are planning some exciting opportunities for our alumni and fellow Golden Grads.

  • The RHS Centennial Celebration is coming! Roosevelt turns 100 next year (2022-2023 school year), with special opportunities for current Golden Grad members during this monumental year. Active membership will guarantee notices and invitations to Centennial events.
  • Your Grapevine Newsletter will continue to arrive in your in-box or your mailbox. Don’t miss a single edition!
  • Have an opportunity to meet the new RHS Principal, Mr. Hollins.

The rates for membership through December 31, 2022 are as follows: $20 individual annual member or $30 couple living in the same household annual members; $300 individual lifetime member or $400 couple living in the same household lifetime members. 

Start or renew your membership today!

Complete this short form (linked here) then watch your email for a confirmation and a link to pay your dues with a credit or debit card through our secure online server. 

If you have any questions, call Amy at 206.226.5679.

Thank you!
Board of Directors
RHS Golden Grads, Seattle, WA


Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black and White

RARE Documentary Film Premiere

From Steve Fisher, Class of ’71

A big event is approaching in the life of RARE: the premiere showing of its documentary film, Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black and White.  The premier showing of the film will occur online, via Zoom, on January 31 at 7 pm PST.  The film premier will be followed by a discussion led by Principal Q Hollins and others involved in the making of the film, with questions accepted from those attending. 

Click on the image below or visit Beyond Black and White to register for the zoom link.

Thank you.  If you know of any individuals or organizations you think would be interested in the film and in this event please share this. 

Happening in Spring of 2022

With the closure of RHS due to the Coronavirus Pandemic starting Spring 2020, all the school’s programs were cancelled. When school reopened, activities started up gradually with adjustments to protect students and audiences from the virus. The hoped-for 2022 Golden Grads Luncheon is cancelled due to the Covid surge. So we’re taking it one step at a time. To see what is happening this spring, go to one of the websites below:

For More on RHS Jazz Bands click here or visit the Jazz Boosters Calendar Page. For RHS Orchestra click here. For RHS Roughriders Band information click the Riders Band site. And for Roosevelt Drama events click here.

2022 Golden Grads Luncheon Cancelled Due to Covid

To protect all of us and our families, it’s necessary to again postpone the Annual Golden Grads Luncheon this year.

We were eagerly looking forward to finally being able to hold the much-anticipated event.  But it was not to be. The Golden Grads Board of Directors just voted to cancel it due to the current surge in Covid-19 cases, and the highly transmissible nature of the new Omicron variant.

So, fingers crossed, we are now planning for the 2023 Golden Grads Luncheon.

President’s Report for Fall 2021

by GG President Doug Whalley (’63)

New Principal

In the last Grapevine I wrote how lucky we were to have Kristina Anderson Rodgers as the Principal of Roosevelt. Two weeks later she announced that she had accepted an offer to be the principal at Bainbridge Island High School (unrelated, I hope, to the fact that I spelled her name wrong). Fortunately, I am pleased to tell you that her replacement appears to be equally outstanding. His biography is printed elsewhere in this Grapevine, but I will give you my personal impressions of meeting HkwauaQueJol Hollins (call him “Que”). He is experienced, personable, enthusiastic about being at Roosevelt, and quick to laugh. He was excited to hear about RHS Golden Grads and what we do, and he was looking forward to attending our luncheon and visiting with the Board of Directors when we once again meet at the school. He was talking and laughing with Ben Snowden when I arrived – a good sign. I believe Roosevelt is in good hands.

Your (Seemingly Permanent) Board of Directors

Because we have had to cancel our luncheon and Board meetings at the school, we have not had an annual meeting or election for two years. In August,the officers and some of the committee members met in person for the first time since the pandemic started. We approved the budget printed in this issue, and the elected officers did not object to serving another term. (Of course, I didn’t actually ask them). We hope to have a live, in-person Board of Directors meeting at the school in the Spring, and a luncheon in June 2022. Luncheon Chair, Cindy Dack, is ready to come out of her two-year retirement. I greatly appreciate the work of our officers, committee chairs, and members and class representatives.

Roosevelt’s 100th Anniversary

Roosevelt High School opened in 1922, despite complaints that it was too expensive and too remote. An anniversary celebration is planned for Spring 2023 if the pandemic permits it. Golden Grads will play a part.

Welcome New and Returning Members

In the last Grapevine, I mentioned that we had hired Amy Hall as a part-time administrative assistant to work on recruitment and communication with members. It worked. Recently, Amy created an email allowing for online membership renewal by credit card – a campaign that has resulted in over 35 new or renewed members in the first three weeks. Soon we will also be able to accept credit cards for dues and donations online, so keep an eye on our website and our Facebook page for upcoming announcements.

Roosevelt – Training Ground for the Olympics

In this issue, we write about three Olympic athletes from Roosevelt. I am certain there are more, so please write our editor or me with information about them. We are also interested in Special Olympians, and Olympic coaches and trainers from Roosevelt.

My Family at Roosevelt

I am taking advantage of my bully pulpit to brag about my family’s connection to Roosevelt. This Fall, my granddaughter and my grandnephew will both be freshmen at Roosevelt, part of the class of 2025. They are the 4th generation of our family to attend – now a total of 12 family members so far, beginning with my mother in the Class of 1931 when Cecil Bullock was a teacher. I warned Principal Hollins that in addition to the two new freshmen, four more Whalleys are on their way, with the youngest, Sage Whalley, Roosevelt High School Class of 2039, already dressed in Roosevelt colors.

It’s Easy to Join or Renew Membership

You can do it all online!

As the students and staff are preparing for a great year ahead, we too are planning some exciting opportunities for our alumni and fellow Golden Grads.

Thank you for your dedication as a member of Golden Grads. We now have a new option to join or renew membership online – see below for the details!

As you know, our membership year follows the calendar year – January through December. This year, we are offering an early start or renewal (for the same price) and your membership will be valid through December 2022. So you will be an active member for nearly 16 months for the price of 12 ($20)! The early savings applies to our membership for couples too.

Why renew your Golden Grads Membership?

  • The RHS Centennial Celebration is coming! Roosevelt turns 100 next year (2022-2023 school year). We will be hosting special opportunities for current Golden Grad members during the monumental year. Active membership will guarantee notices and invitations to Centennial events.
  • Your Grapevine Newsletter will continue to arrive in your in-box or your mailbox. Don’t miss a single edition!
  • Join us in the Spring of 2022 for the return of our Golden Grads luncheon! At this time, we are hopeful we will have an in-person event in Seattle. Active members will be invited to this fun gathering and will have an opportunity to meet the new RHS Principal, Mr. Hollins.
  • And it’s easier than ever to renew!

The rates for membership through December 31, 2022 are as follows:

  • $20 individual annual member
  • $30 couple living in the same household annual members
  • $250 individual life-time member
  • $350 couple living in the same household lifetime members

Start or renew your membership today! Complete this short form (linked here) then watch your email for a confirmation and a link to pay your dues with a credit or debit card through our secure online server.

If you have any questions, call Amy at 206.226.5679.

Thank you!

The Board of Directors
RHS Golden Grads Seattle, WA