Coming Soon!

RHS Spring Musical “As You Like It” to Stream Online

This Spring, Roosevelt Theatre is thrilled to bring you a musical experience unlike any other: a show that is part movie musical filmed around Greenlake and Roosevelt AND part live, real-time performance, streaming to your home! As You Like It is a modern musical update of Shakespeare’s classic comedy, full of soulful tunes and mistaken-identity hijinks! Performances are June 3, 4, 11, and 12. Tickets go on sale May 1 at After purchase, you’ll be emailed a receipt with a link to click the night of the show. Once you’ve clicked the link, using any device, sit back and enjoy.

We are still working on a free, invite-only preview for the Golden Grads. Stay tuned for more updates on that and some other exclusive opportunities. (Check the GG website for more information: Also, Golden Grads can send an update by email, if you receive your GG Grapevine by email.)

If you would like to help keep Theatre alive at Roosevelt, Patron of the Arts is Roosevelt High School Theatre’s annual fundraising campaign associated with the musical. Our theatre productions are completely self-supporting because we don’t get any money from our school or district. Student fundraising and ticket sales help underwrite the theatre and dance curriculum each year and gives students the chance to work with local and national guest theatre professionals. Funds also cover costumes, tech equipment, licensing fees, and more. Every dollar makes a difference in the type of shows we are able to perform.

Our goal is to raise $20,000 in patron donations from friends, family, alumni, and theatre lovers in our community. To date, the students have raised $9,560 and could use a boost to get them across the finish line. Please consider helping us reach our goal by giving to our non-profit booster group, The Associated Friends of Roosevelt Drama (Tax ID 27-0604574)—employer matches welcome. Donate here:

President’s Report for Spring 2021

By GG President Doug Whalley (’63)


The Roosevelt Alumni for Racial Equity (RARE), that was started in 2020 by a group of 1971 grads, is off to a fast start establishing a scholarship endowment fund for Roosevelt graduates of color. They will invest their funds with Golden Grads as a separate account in the Golden Grads’ investment portfolio. Our Special Scholarship Chair Jeri Mortensen Kronmal will assist them with funds to the schools. Most of their committee members have joined Golden Grads, several as life members. The RARE members who will help select the student winners and coordinate the scholarship payments with Golden Grads will all be GG members. Read more about RARE on this page. It is an impressive group.

No Luncheon This June

Once again we are forced to cancel our Spring Luncheon. Although many of us will be vaccinated by then, the Board of Directors believed that it would be too early to expect our members to enjoy a large gathering.

The Dictatorship Continues

Last year because the luncheon was cancelled, we were not able to hold an election of officers or approve the budget. I solicitated candidates and offered to hold a mail-in vote, but nobody requested a vote. This year, we are faced with the same problem. If you would like to run for a position or ask a question about the proposed budget, please let me know. Otherwise, the current officers will remain (I “forgot” to ask them if they wanted to), and the financial statement published in this issue will be considered when the GG Executive Board approves a budget in June.

Some Good News: A Major Donation to the Golden Grads

Last Fall I was contacted by Diane Cain Fiduccia, Class of 1962. She is a trustee of the James and Grace Cain Charitable Foundation established by her parents. Diane announced a $10,000 donation to Golden Grads from their Foundation, which will allow us to grant two additional college scholarships this year, for a total of twelve. Thank you, Diane! The process of selecting students and awarding the scholarships this year is impacted by the school closure, but Scholarship Chair Antonia Filigno Clark ’53 has stayed in contact with school counselors and her committee is working to keep the scholarship program on track.

Thank You Antonia Filigno Clark ’53

Tonia has been our Merit Scholarship Chair for many years, a job that requires a major commitment of time and energy. She has performed it flawlessly, recruiting committee members, coordinating with the school, and interviewing prospective recipients. She did not miss a beat with the school being closed last Spring and this year – all scholarships were still awarded. We will miss her as chair, but she has agreed to remain on the committee. She also recruited a great replacement, committee member Judy Crosset Cromwell ’60, who has agreed to take over next school year.

Principal Kristina Anderson Rogers

Just a note to say how lucky we are to have Kristina as principal during this difficult time for Roosevelt. She has been successful in working with students, teachers, and parents. She is very supportive of Golden Grads and grateful for our financial assistance. She is not the first principal to have attended Roosevelt as a student, but undoubtedly the first one whose parents attended Roosevelt High School as well. Bill Anderson ’65 and Nancy Ford Anderson ’64 are Golden Grad members.

Welcome Amy Hall

I am pleased to announce that Amy Hall has accepted the Board’s offer to assist Golden Grads. Amy is the long-time part-time administrative assistant for the Roosevelt Foundation. She has agreed to also work part-time for Golden Grads to help in several areas: recruitment and retention of members, especially recent classes; social media and website enhancements; increasing membership benefits; online payment options; and other areas of our organization that need updating.

Want to Know Who Belongs to Golden Grads?

The names of all RHS Golden Grad members are on our website. Thanks to our GG web master, Ellen Brown Hewitt ’53 for periodically updating the list of our members there.

To learn if one of your classmates is a GG member, go to our website: “” On the Home Page, look at the menu items on the left side of the page.

Find the second link below the swing dancers – “GG Members by Grad Year”. Then click on that link.

Join or Renew your Golden Grads Membership now!

Your Golden Grads dues are due each year by January 1st. However, you can renew any time or give an additional donation.

See the membership form included at the end of your Grapevine. Join and donate to help us continue offering funds for the Teachers Wish List grants and for Student Scholarships. or click here to download and print the form, then send it in with your check or credit card info to RHS Golden Grads, PO Box 281, Edmonds WA 98020-0281.

Music, Music, Music!


Congratulations to Director Scott Brown and the Jazz Band for their first place finish in the 24th Annual Essentially Ellington High School Jazz Band Competition and Festival at Lincoln Center, New York!

Listen to their winning performance at at Lincoln Center!

More great sounds from past RHS Jazz Ensembles

The 2013-14 band with Moten Swing on July 4, 2014 at the Montreux Jazz Festival (YouTube)

For News About Fall 2020 See These RHS Websites

With the closure of RHS due to the Coronavirus Pandemic in Spring 2020, all the school’s programs have been cancelled. To learn about what’s happening in the Fall of 2020, you can go to one of the websites below:

For More Information

On Roosevelt High School Jazz Bands click here or visit the Jazz Boosters Calendar Page. For RHS Orchestra click here. For RHS Roughriders Band information click the Riders Band site. And for Roosevelt Drama events click here.

Fall 2020 Story Deadline for Grapevine Is August 25

To have your information included in the next newsletter, you’ll need to send your class report to your class representative (listed in the Grapevine) by August 25, 2020. Class representatives and GG officers and committees need to send reports to the newsletter editor (Janet Sage Whalley) by Friday, August 29, 2020. You may also send information directly to the Grapevine Editor prior to those dates.Also it is helpful if you email your reports and information.

Include your class year, and gals your maiden name (underlined). Just a few lines is all it takes! World travel not required! Let’s keep in touch.

Coming Soon! RHS 2020 Spring Musical!

It’s official! Disney’s High School Musical to be RHS 2020 Spring Musical!

The 2020 RHS Spring Musical will be based on the Disney Channel Original Movie High School Musical, and the Golden Grads free performance will be the Dress Rehearsal on May 19,2020, it was announced Nov 2, 2019 at the “Light Up the Stars” Dinner Theater and Auction.

Coming Soon!



Do you want to keep up with what’s happening with Golden Grads? Then look at our Facebook page – “Roosevelt Golden Grads” – for information about RHS alums and the high school.

Here’s How to Do It:

  • Login to your Facebook page.
  • Type “Roosevelt Golden Grads” in the search box at the top.
  • Roosevelt Golden Grads should pop up as a choice.
  • Click on us to see our page.
  • Underneath the banner with our name, select “Like” & “Follow”.
  • Then start reading our posts when they come up on your feed.

President’s Report for Spring 2020

By GG President Doug Whalley (’63)

Stay safe!

We all feel very vulnerable, and I can only hope that you are safe and well. In March, Golden Grads officers and committee chairs voted unanimously to cancel the June 3rd Spring Luncheon. Although we couldn’t predict what restrictions would be in place in June, we needed to make an early decision about the luncheon to avoid confusion. We also anticipated that many members would stay home even if attendance was possible. We have become the cautious generation.

Hard Times for Roosevelt High

. . . and every other school in the State. All Washington public and private schools are closed because of the coronavirus epidemic. Two weeks before the schools closed, Roosevelt staff contacted Golden Grads with a request:

I’m writing to request support of some necessary supplies for the library and the main office in an effort to prevent the spread of colds, flu and the recent COVID-19 virus. Both the library and main office are central points of interaction in the school, and experience considerable potential for transmission of bacteria and viruses. We’re in need of tissues, Lysol wipes and 32 oz. bottles of hand sanitizer. The district recommends these items but does not supply them.

Of course, our Teacher’s Wish List Committee immediately confirmed we would fund the request. The school received the items the next day, and for the two weeks that they remained open they were better able to cope with the epidemic. Anything not used up will be available when they reopen. I find it interesting that the funding came from the Golden Grads, the people most vulnerable to the virus, but we are all safer when our neighbors’ kids or our own grandkids do not bring the virus home from school.

The Scholarship Programs and Teacher Grants Will Survive

Antonia Filigno Clark ’53, Merit Scholarship Chair, and Jeri Mortensen Kronmal ’60, Special Scholarships Chair, are working with the school to make sure the winners are selected, and our scholarships are awarded. Interviews for Merit Scholarships will be conducted online. In addition to the special request for health supplies discussed above, the Teachers’ Wish List Committee, chaired by Marilyn Meyer Sizer ’63, had completed approval of all their grants. However, if teachers were unable to spend the money for supplies or programs before the closure, the committee will work with them in the Fall and fund those requests that are still needed.

Some Good News: A Major Donation to the Golden Grads

Last Fall I was contacted by Diane Cain Fiduccia, Class of 1962. She is a trustee of the James and Grace Cain Charitable Foundation established by her parents. Diane announced a $10,000 donation to Golden Grads from their Foundation, which will allow us to grant two additional college scholarships this year, for a total of twelve. Thank you, Diane! The process of selecting students and awarding the scholarships this year is impacted by the school closure, but Scholarship Chair Antonia Filigno Clark ’53 has stayed in contact with school counselors and her committee is working to keep the scholarship program on track.

New Officers

Welcome to Jean Druby Birdsall ’64, who started last Fall as our Finance Chair, replacing the retiring Jerry Walton ’60, and to Carol Koppel Hutchinson ‘63, our new Membership Records coordinator, replacing Judy Flournoy Harwood ‘51. Both Jerry and Judy served for many years, and their service to Golden Grads is greatly appreciated. Our officers work amazingly well together because of our shared passion for Roosevelt.

We Now Take Credit Cards

You may have noticed that some people today do not use checks, instead relying on credit cards and electronic money transfers. In the Spring issue of Grapevine, we discuss how to pay your dues or give donations using a credit card.

Fall Board Meeting – Tuesday October 23, 2019

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM in the RHS Alumni Room

Golden Grads officers, class secretaries, and committee chairs to meet at the RHS Alumni Room located acress from the Main Office.