by Jerry Chichester
Our 65th Reunion went off very well on July 18, 2018. As always, we had a blast! With the able leadership of Gale Wergeland, we had as much fun planning it as doing it.
Seventy-eight of the class came to the events out of 325 active members. That’s 24% – a good showing at our age! The reunion raised $1,435 for Golden Grads General fund. In addition, our chat groups donated $705 to the Teacher’s Wish List. The Juliets (Ladies Chat Group) with $455 beat the Romeos (Men’s Breakfast) $250. In any case, we are proud of donating $2,110 this year.
Our thanks to all those that made all this happen!
- Gale Wergeland – Reunion Chair & Co-host for Chat Night
- Connie Busigin Bean – Senior Class Sec. & Co-Host for Reunion Ladies Luncheon
- Bev Bursett Suhrbier – Co-Host for Reunion Ladies Luncheon
- Bob Reddick – Reunion Chat Night Host
- Carolyn Anderson Richardson – Reunion Treasurer
- Jim Richards – Reunion Tavern Night Host
- Joyce Hitt Butchart – Juliets Ladies Chat Chair
- Bill Lince – Romeos Men’s Breakfast Host
- Jackie Godfrey Brotnov – GG Representative
- Tonia Filigno Clark – GG Scholarship Chair
- And many more.