The thirty-fourth Anniversary of the RHS Golden Grads Luncheon will be held on Wednesday June 1st, 2016 at the beautiful Sand Point Country Club. Come and have a ball! There’s always good food, a great program, and just plain fun with the RHS Grads of your class and others. We had a fine time last year when two of retiring Ruben Van Kampen’s students performed a Cabaret number that brought down the house: “Money, money makes the world go round” got a standing ovation. After lunch, there will be a short Annual Business Meeting and Election of Officers, and you’ll meet this year’s scholarship winners.
Time: Doors open at 11:00 AM – 11:00 to 12:00 Social Hour & sign in at the Registration Table and pick up your envelope. At 12:15 PM, will start serving lunch
Seating: Each GG member attending the luncheon has a place reserved with his or her class.
Parking: ( You can enter from south side or west side.)
Deadline: Luncheon reservations are required and must be in our hands by Friday, May 20th, 2016 with your check for $32 per person, made out to RHS Golden Grads. Send check to: RHS Golden Grads, P.O. Box 281, Edmonds, WA 98020-0281. Click here for the Luncheon Reservation Form in .pdf format. If you have questions, contact Luncheon Chair Cindy Dack, or Anne Chichester Temple, Membership Secretary.