by GG President Doug Whalley (’63)
New Principal
In the last Grapevine I wrote how lucky we were to have Kristina Anderson Rodgers as the Principal of Roosevelt. Two weeks later she announced that she had accepted an offer to be the principal at Bainbridge Island High School (unrelated, I hope, to the fact that I spelled her name wrong). Fortunately, I am pleased to tell you that her replacement appears to be equally outstanding. His biography is printed elsewhere in this Grapevine, but I will give you my personal impressions of meeting HkwauaQueJol Hollins (call him “Que”). He is experienced, personable, enthusiastic about being at Roosevelt, and quick to laugh. He was excited to hear about RHS Golden Grads and what we do, and he was looking forward to attending our luncheon and visiting with the Board of Directors when we once again meet at the school. He was talking and laughing with Ben Snowden when I arrived – a good sign. I believe Roosevelt is in good hands.
Your (Seemingly Permanent) Board of Directors
Because we have had to cancel our luncheon and Board meetings at the school, we have not had an annual meeting or election for two years. In August,the officers and some of the committee members met in person for the first time since the pandemic started. We approved the budget printed in this issue, and the elected officers did not object to serving another term. (Of course, I didn’t actually ask them). We hope to have a live, in-person Board of Directors meeting at the school in the Spring, and a luncheon in June 2022. Luncheon Chair, Cindy Dack, is ready to come out of her two-year retirement. I greatly appreciate the work of our officers, committee chairs, and members and class representatives.
Roosevelt’s 100th Anniversary
Roosevelt High School opened in 1922, despite complaints that it was too expensive and too remote. An anniversary celebration is planned for Spring 2023 if the pandemic permits it. Golden Grads will play a part.
Welcome New and Returning Members
In the last Grapevine, I mentioned that we had hired Amy Hall as a part-time administrative assistant to work on recruitment and communication with members. It worked. Recently, Amy created an email allowing for online membership renewal by credit card – a campaign that has resulted in over 35 new or renewed members in the first three weeks. Soon we will also be able to accept credit cards for dues and donations online, so keep an eye on our website and our Facebook page for upcoming announcements.
Roosevelt – Training Ground for the Olympics
In this issue, we write about three Olympic athletes from Roosevelt. I am certain there are more, so please write our editor or me with information about them. We are also interested in Special Olympians, and Olympic coaches and trainers from Roosevelt.
My Family at Roosevelt
I am taking advantage of my bully pulpit to brag about my family’s connection to Roosevelt. This Fall, my granddaughter and my grandnephew will both be freshmen at Roosevelt, part of the class of 2025. They are the 4th generation of our family to attend – now a total of 12 family members so far, beginning with my mother in the Class of 1931 when Cecil Bullock was a teacher. I warned Principal Hollins that in addition to the two new freshmen, four more Whalleys are on their way, with the youngest, Sage Whalley, Roosevelt High School Class of 2039, already dressed in Roosevelt colors.