The thirty-fourth Anniversary of the RHS Golden Grads Luncheon will be held on June 1st, 2016 at the beautiful Sand Point Country Club. Paid-up Golden Grads members, friends and guests will be in attendance.
The new Luncheon Chair, Cindy DACK ’60, did a wonderful job last year. Rick Keating ’64 was the Master of Ceremonies and introduced invited special guests: Brian Vance RHS Principal, Kristina Anderson Rogers ’98 RHS Vice Principal, Karl Ruff STEM teacher at RHS, and Ruben Van Kempen RHS Drama Director who retiredin 2015, after 38 years.
Scholarships and award recipients were introduced: Jean D Freil Gardiner Scholar certificate went to Menaka Narayanan who is attending Harvard: Music and Dramatic Arts Honor Award went to Sebastian Kent who went to McGill University in Canada: RHS Spirit Award went to Julia Hower who is at Middlebury College in Vermont. As is customary, a short business meeting was held after the lunch. Members approved the 2015-2016 Budget and the nominees for the 2016 Officers. Thanks, Cindy, for a great luncheon. Looking forward to seeing all of you June 1, 2016 same time, same place.