Roosevelt High School Coming Back to Life!
by Cathie Hogue Huffman, ’63
Hello Golden Grads!
Lots of things are happening at RHS…so Just-So-You-Know …
Theater News:
A strange thing happened when casting for Mama Mia (Sold out: sorry I wasn’t aware of the play earlier!) Being short of male actors for this musical they auditioned members of the football team(!) and find the Drama students and Football athletes are melding well (anyone remember the Rhythm and Riot Review in the 60s?) There’s a good article in the Seattle Times. Here’s the link:
Roosevelt High School Theatre Department…/at-seattles-roosevelt…/

The Spring Musical will be Spongebob the Musical May 12, 13, 14, 20 & 21 at 7 pm and May 21 & 22 at 2:30 pm.
Jazz Band:
The Jazz Band is one of the top 15 groups competing in the Essentially Ellington Competition and Festival this year…in New York again! The dates are May 5-7, 2022. Previous RHS performances are available on uTube. They are truly amazing and when I find where the finals can be heard/seen I’ll let you know.
March 21, 7 p.m.: April Foolz Concert, Roosevelt Theater
Concert, Chamber, & Symphony Orchestra, Roosevelt Theater
June 7, 6 p.m.: Final Concert, at the Roosevelt Theater Concert, Chamber, & Symphony Orchestras
1. I’s time to send in dues for 2022, if you have not already. The “Grapevine” newsletter is only sent to those with current dues.
2. Class news is due March 18th – send to: (because this coming school year is Roosevelt’s 100th – you might want to write a memory from your time at Roosevelt.
3. There will be no luncheon this coming June! But activities are being planned for September ’22 through June of ’23 to celebrate the Centennial!
I hope this finds everyone returning to some type of normal! It’s so good to see the students are able to participate and compete again!