Welcome to the Golden Grads Site

“What you were to be, you have now become.” When a grad marks the 50th year after graduation, he or she is eligible to brighten their golden years, as hundreds of schoolmates have been doing since 1983 when the Golden Grads Association was founded. Our members renew old friendships begun long ago.

A Golden Grad will receive the GRAPEVINE, our newsletter, full of your adventures, accomplishments, nostalgia, volunteer works, and news of your old Alma Mater. A member luncheon is held each year. Members come from all over the country to attend.

Golden Grads is all about enabling the new generation to excel. In the last 15 years Golden Grads has awarded and paid out over $700,000 to benefit students of Roosevelt High School. This includes scholarships to institutions of higher learning: University, college, voc-tech, or community college and the annual Teacher’s Wish List, providing money for materials and equipment not covered by our taxes: computers and software, special text books, sports equipment, musical instruments for band and orchestra, and items for the drama department. These donations come from tax-deductible Golden Grads member contributions. 2013-2014 funding budgeted: Scholarships – $40,000, Teachers Wish List – $20,000.